Sunday, August 26, 2012

Beautiful Bees Wax

Pouring the melted bees wax through a  nylon (clean of course!!)

There are lots of 'things' in bees wax.  Bee parts and just stuff.  This worked beautifully.  It filtered out all of the undesirable materials and left beautiful pure bees wax.

It smells delicious.      

Third Honey Harvest

35 frames
Each frame holds about a quart of honey.

Uncapping the honey cells.

Into the extractor

After the extractor it is strained before bottling

Beautiful honey comb

We are now cleaning the wax.

This was our main focus this weekend.  DH and #1 Son went and gathered the frames yesterday morning.  (Yes they left tons for the bees to winter on.)
Then the the extracting, cleaning, and bottling.  It is a sticky but yummy job.